When dressing for Oktoberfest it's important to put some thought behind it in order to look the part and look your best! If you are planning to go to Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, don't show up in an Oktoberfest "Costume." Instead opt for some authentic lederhosen or dirndls. Keep it simple and get high quality, hand stiched items - like these: lederhosen or these: dirndls.
Below is a guide to dressing for an Oktoberfest costume party in the US or Canada. (IMPORTANT: Don't use this guide for your trip to Munich.)
Dressing for Oktoberfest. What to Wear.
1. Wig: While you can dress for Oktoberfest with any hair color, a Gretchen blonde wig with pigtails steps up any costume.
2. Blouse: Dirndl blouses come in all styles. If you're going to Oktoberfest with your kids or grandkids, then a high-cut, traditional blouse is probably the right one for you. If you're going to Oktoberfest for the beer and the party scene, you may want a low-cut, sexy beer girl blouse.
3. Bodice: A bodice pulls in the dirndl at the waist. It is attached to the blouse on most costumes and lets you stay classy while still getting the boys' attention.
4. Dirndl: While the blouse and bodice are equal parts of what makes up a dirndl, the ensemble dress and accompanying apron complete the package. Traditional dirndls extend to a woman's ankles are are the favored dress of rural Bavarian women. Nowadays you can find a dirndl, or dirndl-style dress, in hundreds of varieties!
5.Stockings: They're usually white, they look like socks, and most include a bow that matches the dirndl.
6. Shoes: If you're planning on wearing a dirndl when dressing for Oktoberfest, you need to make sure to wear comfy shoes. Nothing says sexy like a pair of heels, but Oktoberfest is a huge place. Go for flats or low heels to keep up during a night of drinking.
7. Beer Stein Handbag: This common Oktoberfest party accessory is a great conversation starter - and leaves your other hand available for a real beer.
8. Beer Stein: The only way to drink beer in Munich is from a 1 liter stein. The locals call it a Mass or Masskrug, down a few of them will have you feeling pretty good.
Explore our beer stein collection here.
9. Alpine Hat: Made from felt, an Alpine hat takes inspiration for its name and shape from the Tyrolean region of the Alps. It usually comes with a band wrapped around its base and is adorned with a feather. Locals have a tradition of collecting pins on their hats. When dressing for Oktoberfest hats take the shape of the real thing but are often made of faux felt and can be backed by cardboard or plastic.
Explore our hats collection here.
10. Trachten Shirt: You can't wear any old shirt under lederhosen. Traditional trachten shirts come in plain white or a checked pattern in a simple color. Some Oktoberfest costumes will include the shirt as part of the package, while sometimes you'll have to buy the shirt separate from the lederhosen.
11. Lederhosen: Lederhosen, not to be confused with its longer cousin bundhosen, is the traditional outfit for men at Oktoberfest. Authentic lederhosen are made of goat skin and often include a pair of matching suspenders.
12. Socks: They're kind of like stockings, but for men. Bavarian traditional socks cover the whole calf, are thick wool, and often have a tassle. Most of our costume lederhosen come with a pair of long socks.
13. Boots: The traditional shoes to wear with lederhosen are called Haferlschuh, designed originally as a work shoe for alpine terrain. Likely hard to find at your local store, so any old leather shoe will do to complete your men's Oktoberfest costume.
Looking for a O'fest costume? Explore here!